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It seems everyone now agrees that Miss Run Amok will soon run away, and word is that she's busy negotiating the terms of her departure.

According to the Observer, there are three outstanding issues: How much severance she'll get, whether she'll get op-ed space to rebut her critics, and whether the Times and Miller will jointly issue a statement on her departure.

Just a few points, true, but the News says the two parties are stuck very far apart on them:

According to a lawyer familiar with the matter, the talks were at a standstill late yesterday because of a wide gap between Miller's demands and The Times' offer for her to leave.

Creating even more trouble, says the Observer, is that Miller won't go unless she gets what she wants.

So how long this will this go on?

You tell us. We're proud to introduce Gawker's Millerpalooza Sweepstakes: When Will Run Amok Run Away?

It's easy to play. The goal is to name the exact time when news breaks of Miller's departure from the Times. We'll play Price Is Right rules — closest without going over — and the official time of announcement will be the timestamp on Jim Romenesko's first "Judy Walks" post. Give as much other information on the departure as you can predict — whether the announcement calls it quitting or firing, whether she gets her op-ed, who announces it — and, in the event of a time, the person most right on the details wins. Reporters covering the story are welcome to play. Sulzberger and Miller are not.

And what do you win? That's easy: Yellowcake!

(From Billy's Bakery on Ninth Avenue, of course.)

Send your entries to with the subject line Millerpalooza.

Now get guessing!