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The Scoop reports of multiple ill-winds blowing through the Cheeto-crumb-strewn halls of the House of Federline. Take, for instance, this report of Britney Spears' reaction to her husband's blood-and-sweat-soaked demo CD, which he offered up to his bride for constructive criticism:

Kevin Federline recently brought home some music he d recorded and he played it for Spears, according to the new issue of In Touch Weekly.

His efforts were greeted with hurtful laughter from his superstar wife, who was unimpressed, reports the mag. She said his debut CD might sell a hundred, maybe a thousand copies if he was lucky, an insider told the mag, who added, Kevin looked really hurt.

Ouch. The only thing Britney likes to sugarcoat, it would seem, are the Hostess mini-donuts she eats for breakfast. Which isn't to say she's the only one at fault here:

Spears unkind review comes at a time when the new parents are said to be going through an extended rough patch. Her tolerance for his behavior is waning quickly, reports In Touch. For example, while Spears was busy changing their infant son s diapers, Federline reportedly spent two hours getting his hair braided. And after a blow-up on Oct. 19, Federline went to a nightclub called Mood, where he partied until well after midnight.

He seemed kind of out of it, a witness told the mag. Everyone was like, Go home to your family. Isn t it a bit soon to be out partying?

"And isn't it a little too soon for you to MIND YOUR FUCKING BEESWAX?!!!" is probably what we would have replied had we found ourselves in a similar situation. Luckily, we're not; we got all our Jewfro hairbraiding needs out of our system back in our Deadhead high school days, and to our knowledge, there are no little 'Seth Preston' ankle-biting crap-machines out there in need of changing.