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A particularly intrepid reader decided to look at more of Colgate Alito's writing than just his jokey bio, and she presents a solid case that the boy is in fact our man. Take, for example, bits like:

[George W. Bush has] stimulated commerce by cutting taxes for small businesses, and he's defended the role of faith in American society by challenging Roe v. Wade, limiting government funding of stem cell research, and supporting a Constitutional amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman. [Nov. 2, 2004]


The favorite cackle of critics of America and of Bush is that history will condemn their actions.... [L]et the new anti-Americans have their say now, because history will remember them with the same distaste as it remembers the isolationists of World War II, while America continues to be an agent of change and a bearer of liberty. [Mar. 11, 2005]

And, of course:

It is essential that we keep the government out of our daily lives and that we continue to fight terrorism around the world. It is essential that judges who interpret law rather than public opinion be appointed. [Nov. 2, 2004]

Also, if The Temp says it, it must be true: It seems Young Alito attended Colgate but has since transferred to UVA. And so we apologize to Widdicombe for stupidly and naively, as his colleague pointed out, suggesting he'd ever confuse his twinks.

Colgategate: Does Gatecrasher Confuse His College Boys?
Colgategate: Another Burger Drops