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As if it's not sad enough that Judy Miller is now seeking career counseling under the guise of "reporting," it's even worse that this once high-powered, well-sourced investigative dynamo has been reduced to posting on ProfNet, American's best way for lazy reporters to meet eager quote whores.

We have to assume this recent post is from her:

It's time to report my next 'Career Couch' column for the Sunday Business section of The New York Times. The Nov. 27 piece focuses on an exit strategy. What are the best tactics for exiting gracefully? How do you handle the resignation letter? How do you comport yourself during the exit interview? These are some of the questions I hope to answer in my piece. I'm looking for experts to offer advice, as well as sources with real-world anecdotes to share. No phone calls, please.

Tactics: A bit late for that. Resignation letter: Just write one already. Comportment: Stop kvetching. Oh, and just take the severance and give up on the op-ed, for heaven's sake.
