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• Anna Wintour celebrates her 56th year of making you feel fat and unfashionable!
• Big fun at Wenner Media: Because if you want something done properly, you do it yourself, Jann crowns himself EIC of Men's Journal while simultaneously killing off an upcoming celebrity title. But? At least the man gives his slaves flu shots.
• You may think avian flu is frightening, but the possibility of an inter-media flu is absolutely devastating. At least Wenner's safe.
• Comedian David Cross addresses the matter of his nasty doppelganger while also giving you handy tips for discerning the Real David from the Fake David.
Page Six plans a weekly insert mag, full of Top 10 lists and other magazine-y type intellectualism.
• Gawker Media's attempt at sporty masculinity, Deadspin, breaks some real news, and perhaps ESPN's heart.
• CNN reshapes its lineup and puts Anderson Cooper at the top of the heap (right where he belongs). Sadly, lead anchor Aaron Brown is now collecting unemployment.
• We really just don't know what the hell is going on with Judy Miller. If she goes, there will be trouble, but if she stays? It will be double. Meanwhile, Andrew Hearst reminds us that, no matter how bad Judy may seem, a sense of humor and some finesse with Quark goes a long way.