
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem

J.K. Trotter · 11/21/14 02:40PM

Earlier this month, Condé Nast commenced its long-anticipated move to 1 World Trade Center, whose landlord is counting on the magazine publisher to anchor the building and attract other hip companies to the fortified Financial District. The ongoing rodent problem at Vogue, however, might give some prospective tenants pause. Even Anna Wintour is worried.

André Leon Talley Bids Au Revoir to Vogue

Molly Fitzpatrick · 02/16/13 02:40PM

After a three-decade residency at Vogue, contributing editor André Leon Talley is leaving the magazine. Beyond the masthead, you might recognize ALT from his Louis Vuitton-clad tennis practice in The September Issue, or simply for his glorious collection of capes.

What's the Big Fuss About Fashion Week Anyway?

Brian Moylan · 02/13/12 03:13PM

To many people outside of New York, fashion shows are full of glamorous people, gorgeous models, and mouth-watering clothing. They think of the goodie bags, the celebrities, and that warm fuzzy feeling you must get on the inside knowing you're part of the elite. Sorry to tell you, but it's never really like that.

Anna Wintour Has Some Very Awesome Travel Habits

Brian Moylan · 10/20/11 01:14PM

The second worst part of flying (after having to take your shoes off at security) is that everyone dresses like slobs. Not Vogue scarecrow-in-chief Anna Wintour. She changed twice for a six-hour flight from New York to L.A. yesterday and even got special treatment at the airport.

Is Anna Wintour Turning Into a Funny Lady?

Brian Moylan · 09/27/11 01:14PM

Our collective image of Vogue dominaeditrix Anna Wintour has always been as a hard-nosed ice queen, a Darth Vader under a helmet of hair, the stern and bitchy inspiration for The Devil Wears Prada. Due to some recent events, are we going to have to change our assessment?

Jennifer Lopez's Pained Fist Pumps and Half-Naked Lap Dances Last All Night

Maureen O'Connor · 09/26/11 10:33AM

J.Lo parties until 3:30AM, and looks like she might be straining herself. LuAnn de Lesseps dances on a table. Who stole David Copperfield's precious magician award? Why does Arnold Schwarzenegger need three larger-than-life bronze statues of himself? Monday gossip goes too far.

It's Still Fashion Week and It Is Still Amazing

Brian Moylan · 09/13/11 04:40PM

You may not give a flying caftan that it's still Fashion Week, but all the very fashionable people and retail stores and models and kids who go to FIT care, so we have to appease them with some photos of the goings on, don't we? Yes, we certainly do.

The Noxious Glamor of Fashion Week Continues

Brian Moylan · 09/12/11 03:07PM

That wonderful scent of stale champagne and hairspray haze you smell is the waft aroma from the continued residence of New York Fashion Week at the tents in Lincoln Center. What did the models, designers, celebrities, and assorted mayhem makers get up to today. Let's look.

Here's What You Missed During Fashion's Night Out

Leah Beckmann · 09/09/11 02:15PM

Last night was the third annual Fashion's Night Out, Anna Wintour's fake charity. We must acknowledge that this is now a global thing that happens, and will continue to happen, once every year, like some sort of culling of the herd. Here are all the celebrities, parties, and ridiculous fashions that you missed by not attending.

The Cast of Glee Will Ruin Fashion's Night Out

Brian Moylan · 08/16/11 12:47PM

As if Fashion's Night Out—Anna Wintour's fake charity that encourages people to shop with celebrities, free drinks, and parties (but never discounts)—wasn't annoying enough, now the cast of Glee has been named the official spokespeople this year.

Meet Obama's Fancy Celebrity 'Bundlers'

Jim Newell · 07/15/11 04:07PM

So, campaign finance! Perhaps in need of some constitutional reform, hmm? But for now, the rules of the game for presidential campaigns are that you call all of your rich friends and have them bundle donations from their rich friends, "sometimes" in exchange for access or favors for everyone in this elaborate network of rich friends. So who's on the just-released Obama bundler list?

Halle Berry's Weekend of Terror

Brian Moylan · 07/11/11 10:45AM

Halle Berry was trapped in her house by a stalker. William and Kate have left the country. Anthony Weiner flew to Miami to reconcile with his wife. Gwyneth Paltrow went on vacation to rub her bikini body in your face. Monday's gossip doesn't know if it's coming or going.

All the Sights from the Harry Potter London Premiere

Brian Moylan · 07/07/11 05:47PM

Harry Potter and The End of the Gravy Train, Part Nine premiered in London today along with most of the British cast, a handful of celebs, and JK Rowling herself. Let's have a look at the festivities, shall we?

Andrew Garfield Is Romancing the Stone

Maureen O'Connor · 06/24/11 10:30AM

Spiderman costars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone might be banging. Cory Monteith was a teen junkie. Heidi Klum gets naked. LiLo plans her first post-imprisonment par-tay. TGIFriday gossip.