Trade Round-Up: Polar Bears Are The New Penguins

· Pierce Brosnan will shake things up by playing a family-dismantling kidnapper in Butterfly on A Wheel for Icon Entertainment, inevitably prompting audiences to wonder, "Hey, why is James Bond acting like such a dick?" [Variety]
· In a clear attempt to fill the huge hugging void left by the imminent departure of John Lesher, Endeavor promotes three agents (read: six fresh, bear-hugging arms) to partner. [THR]
· Bruce Willis, once arguably the biggest movie star in the world, agrees to be the guinea pig in "Smells Like Teen Spirit" video director Samuel Bayer's feature debut, Black Water Transit. [Variety]
· THR gets in on today's Cockblocker fun. Hey, enjoy the title while it lasts. [THR]
· "OK, those fucking penguins killed for Warner. Brainstorm time, guys. We need another animal that says cold, cute, maybe fluffy. What's a marmot? Sounds cute, but do they live on ice and shit? No? Fuck. What else we got?" [Variety]