
Bruce Willis Hosted an Amusing Man-Cave Dance Party on SNL

Camille Dodero · 10/13/13 02:29PM

Sassy-television-detective-turned-action-hero Bruce Willis just hosted Saturday Night Live for the first time since 1989, with musical guest Katy Perry. One of the episode's highlights was this amusing digital short about the secret manly society of boy dance parties, a stress-relieving breakdown of herky-jerky man-cave moves that're "not homoerotic, just a call for brotherly unity." This is a rare instance where a twerking joke still really works.

Expendables 2: All The Action Heroes You've Ever Known

Leah Beckmann · 12/15/11 11:59AM

Like the first in this explosive, guns and skull ridden movie, the Expendables sequel is all about the cast. This ensemble group of all stars comes together in one throbbing, heaping helping of testosterone, making this about as actiony a movie as an action movie can get. It's a caricature of the ultimate action flick, like a Snakes on a Plane meta-movie in that everybody- viewers, actors and filmmakers alike- are all in on the joke. If Hollywood were a box of toys, each of these guys is an action figure from a different comic book or TV show that you love, who come together in the sandbox for the ultimate showdown. Chuck Norris is in this for God sakes.

G.I. Joe: Retaliation: 'The World Ain't Savin' Itself'

Leah Beckmann · 12/13/11 01:50PM

Let's all let out the deep breaths we've been holding in anticipation of the G.I. Joe sequel (wouldn't it be great if this was actually a G.I. Jane sequel? Wait, would it? We'll never know!). Yes, it is here and it looks, I don't know, violent? Action packed? Explosive? It's certainly got all the trimmings of a summer blockbuster flick. There's a ninja sword fight on the face of a mountain. Cue the exclamation points.

Bruce Willis Is Selling His Idaho Cavern In the Woods

Leah Beckmann · 11/29/11 06:30PM

The Willis-Moore-Kutcher empire is quickly disintegrating. Granted Ashton Kutcher has little to do with the sprawling 8,403 square feet Idaho home once owned by Demi and Bruce, but he stayed there once or twice. So, I don't know. Bruce always seemed like a "what's mine is yours" kind of guy to me and this is just one more sign of the times, yet another end of an era.

Kris Humphries Loves to Fart on Girls

Max Read · 11/26/11 02:14PM

Kris Humphries' stunning pattern of gas-passing is revealed. Jennifer Lopez and her boytoy escape to Hawaii. And Prince Harry is still partying out west. Saturday gossip rode Revenge of the Mummy, twice.

Kardashians Resort to Blatant Lies: 'Didn't Make a Dime' from Wedding

Maureen O'Connor · 11/02/11 11:25AM

After much berating, the Kardashian klan kracks and starts telling lies. Lindsay Lohan returns to court. Hugh Grant has a baby after a "fleeting affair" with a mystery woman. Denise Richards and Richie Sambora reunite. Wednesday gossip plays with semantics.

The Best and Worst Celebrity Wax Figures

Leah Beckmann · 10/09/11 11:21AM

As far as gimmicky tourist attractions go, none tops the great Madame Tussaud and her house of clones. Not to wax poetic here, but there is something equal parts satisfying and unnerving about a dead-eyed Susan Boyle. The resemblance is uncanny! And even if it isn't and the wax statue looks nothing like its real-life counterpart, well, even that is something to see.

The Cartwheeling Verger and Other Stars of the Royal Wedding

Max Read · 04/30/11 09:37AM

Who was the little girl holding her ears on the balcony? Where are Kate and Will going on their honeymoon? And why can't Angelina "Trashbags" Pivarnick be as happy as those two? Saturday gossip is wearing lace sleeves.

Bruce Willis Gets Emotional On Ellen

Kate Shapiro · 10/12/10 05:20PM

Bruce Willis gets a little emotional over his long absence from appearing on Ellen's show. The interview begins with a really long hug and later in the segment two more impromptu hugs. Little teary eyed there, Bruce?

James Franco Is a Drag Queen Cover Girl

Maureen O'Connor · 10/06/10 09:11AM

James Franco poses for a transvestite magazine. Kim Kardashian is "down for some hookups." Michael Lohan tries to visit Lindsay and gets rejected. Freak escalator accident nearly kills Bruce Willis. Wednesday gossip is full of surprises.