Page Kennedy Could Be Trying To Tell Us Something

Browsing the guestbook entries of recently fired Desperate Housewives actor Page Kennedy's website is a sad affair. In reverse chronology, it tells the tale of a young man who, against all odds, broke free from the hard streets of his upper-middle class upbringing to make it in Hollywood, only to have his career-making role, The Guy Under The Mysterious Black Neighbors Stairs, yanked away from him due to an as yet indeterminate "improper conduct."
Just a few weeks back, posts in the guestbook were all of the congratulatory, if broken English, variety ("Good site, and very, very informativity!"). As soon as the story breaks however, concerned fans immediately start asking questions:
Sam 11-8-2005 03:36
Sorry to hear about you losing the Desperate Housewives job.
So dude, what did you do?
Someone with the handle of PG, claiming to be Page himself, responds:
PG 11-8-2005 05:19
I guess I got just a little too friendly with one of the interns. Bad way to lose the best job I'll ever have.
To which a response is posted:
OG: Is this really Page? I'm a journalist with the AP-and saw the post on the site this eve.
The next day, PG has this to say:
PG 11-9-2005 03:40 Do you think a faker would lay it out real? I didn't embelish (sic) or play the victim. But I do know for a fact that a white man wouldn't have been fired for doing that to a white woman.
We have no way of knowing if PG's postings, the only PG-authored ones in the guestbook, were in fact written by Page Kennedy. It seems plausible that the actor would want to tell his side of the story on his own site, and the claim of having been "a little too friendly" with the interns is not inconsistent with the Enquirer's claim that he flashed two female Housewives workers. As for PG's assertion that a "white man wouldn't have been fired for doing that to a white woman," we are currently reviewing thousands of hours of Andy Dick-related sexual harrassment testimony (which conveniently also covers white man-on-man shenanigans); as of post time, Kennedy appears to have a point.