Could This Be the Fake David Cross?

When we're not too preoccupied with our manhunt for alleged rapist Peter Braunstein, rest assured that we're devoting our remaining energy to uncovering the wicked doppelganger to Arrested Development actor David Cross, who uses his genetic fortune to woo ladies back to his evil boudoir. The fellow at right, according to The Apiary, was recently seen accepting free drinks from patrons of Down the Hatch, all of whom believed he was David Cross. Don't be fooled by the tattoo: While the imposter does bear ink on the proper arm, it's certainly not of a "miling pig standing upright and serving you his own ribs straight from his open chest." This man is most certainly NOT our fair David.
(NB: The picture we posted last week of a reader with Cross was, in fact, the real David Cross. To our knowledge, there is only one Fake David terrorizing lower Manhattan. Which is more than enough.)
The Most Disturbing Twist Yet in the David Cross Imposter Scandal [The Apiary]
Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of the Fake David Cross