• Happy birthday to former CNN anchor Aaron Brown! May your 57th year be full of, um, employment! [Wikipedia]
• Staying in tonight? Be sure to catch Judy Miller seduce Larry King with her bangs. [CNN]
• In a week where the fluff news is dominated by the story of two cheerleaders getting it on in the ladies' room (and then subsequently punching a witness), let's take a moment to remember all the great moments in pop cultural history that have gone down in public restrooms. [Black Table]
• Master the Paris Hilton pose, and you too can downplay your lazy eye! [Just Jared]
• Get Rich or Die Tryin to See the Flick. No, seriously. Stereotypes, people — need we keep perpetuating them? [PC]
• Dozing on the LIRR? You might want to rethink that, considering someone's devoting their blog to pictures of you drooling. [Essays & Effluvia]
• Sarah Silverman: "I don't care if you think I'm racist. I just want you to think I'm thin." At least we're not the only ones who think like that. [Slate]