Another Day, Another Fake David Cross

We're continuing our search for the Fake David Cross, a downtown charlatan known to dupe less-than-intelligent folks into thinking he's the Arrested Development actor so as to score free drinks and easy women. We had a possible suspect yesterday but, as it turns out, he's just one of the owners of Beauty Bar, meaning that Fake David is still at large. Someone has suggested that this man (sorry, dude, whoever you are) might be the guilty party, but considering his MySpace profile says he's in Philly, we're not buying it.
Being pointed to yet another suspect forces us to realize the problem with finding Fake David: The David Cross "look" is achieved by simply being bald, sporting sideburns, and wearing horn-rimmed glasses. And that look is embraced by, say, 40% of the population below 14th Street. So, really, everyone is a Fake David.