As we conduct our vigilant search for the Fake David Cross — a vile imposter who claims to be the actor so he can score free drinks and easy women — we're finding that reality is not absolute, and the truth of reality is inextricable from the reality of truth. Or something.

When this all started, we posted a picture of a possible the suspect; we later announced that said picture was of the Real David. As it turns out, that was NOT the Real David: This man is most certainly a charlatan.

Now, as readers go through their drunken photo collections, scouring for possible documentation of run-ins with Davids real or fake, we've been sent the following image:

This image was lost some time after publication.

The reader claims that this picture, taken on Halloween, depicts the Real David Cross. And we'd like more than anything than to believe it — but, if anything, this twisted manhunt has killed our ability to believe in anything anymore.

Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of the Fake David Cross