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People's Sexiest Man Alive issue is out today, and, while we already knew Matthew McConaughey is the winner, we're for the first time discovering that Anderson Cooper is a ranked runner-up. [Click on the photo at right to enlarge.] We're not surprised by his inclusion — both because he is, objectively, sexy, and also because his fucking publicity blitz is everywhere — but we are, as always, surprised by some of his quotations, all of which are at least moderately gay. Then there's this one:

Makeup: "Eye cream seems so expensive. I can't believe it really works. Then I feel like if I start using it, I will grow dependent on it, and if I stop, my eyes will stretch out."

Yep, that's the problem with eye cream, Anderson. It's too expensive.

Coopie's full blurb is after the jump.

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Sexiest Men Alive [People]
Earlier: Matthew McConaughey, People's Sexiest Man Alive