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We've asked our favorite media personalities what they're thankful for this year, and they've actually answered. Three from the Times, starting with Arts-y gal Ginia Bellafante:

I'm incredibly thankful for the increase in price of first-class postage—I'd grown incredibly bored of paying 37 cents.

Feisty foodie Frank Bruni:

I'm thankful for friends who drink their dinners. More lamb shank for me.

And media whore David Carr:

Well, I will be working on thanksgiving. I will be at my desk with my headset, calling a god of my understanding to tell him/her/it how grateful I am that time and architectural trends have not changed Graydon Carter's hair, for Geraldo's continued stalwartness in the face of the ratings of a nightlight for his show, for Anderson Cooper's gee-whiz-who-me? embrace of his new status, for Anna Wintour's willingness to make her way through a hail of pies to adorn herself in dead animals, for Jann Wenner's ruthless pursuit of a destiny only he understands.

Other blessings will land on my desk, including Peter Kaplan's continued willingness to lead the children's crusade at the Observer, Adam Moss's civic and dirty-mindedness at New York, and Espopus, the magazine nobody can pronounce, find or understand. Now if I can just find some cranberry sauce to go with all of that. (And none of that real berries crap. I want the kind that comes out of the can with the ridges still intact.)