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We have some miraculous news for those of you who took the cancellation of The Simple Life particularly hard: you can put down your self-mutilation implements and rejoice! E! has answered your prayers, ordering ten episodes of the series and divising a plot hook that finds a way to use both of the series' now-feuding stars, without having Paris or Nicole ever set foot in the same room!

The fourth season will have Hilton and Richie taking turns playing a "wife" and running households, with the family involved each week deciding which of the two did a better job.

If Hilton and Richie are still not talking, the format allows for filming to take place with each woman not coming into contact with the other, said Chris Alexander, spokesman for Twentieth Century Fox Television.

We imagine the license fees for the show, as well as the rights for the reruns of the first three seasons, were prohibitively high for a basic cable network. But with the savings realized from the cancellation of Taradise (legendary bar tabs, customs officer payoffs, bail), E!'s money people realized that not only was adopting Fox's discarded drama queens a solid programming decision, it was surprisingly cost effective.