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Poor Simon Dumenco.

The have-media-criticism- will-travel freelance writer and editor is cranky this week, and he devotes his Advertising Age column to venting on a series of pet peeves. (The best, re teetotaling Trump's recent introduction of Trump vodka: "Effective immediately, Trump is enjoined from slapping his name on any products he hasn't tried, such as 'Trump: The World's Most Absorbent Luxury Tampon.'") One such complaint is the seemingly blanket coverage of Howard Stern's move to satellite radio:

Effective immediately, stories about Howard Stern moving to Sirius Satellite Radio (had you heard?) — such as last week's Wall Street Journal piece about Stern's "Anti-Censor" — shall run no more than four days of any given week. For the convenience of the mostly New York-based journalists who continue to tirelessly shill for Stern/Sirius, the Stern/Sirius-promoting article schedule shall match Manhattan's Upper East Side alternative-side-of-the-street parking rules.

We don't disagree. We just wish Dumenco told his pals over at New York — where, judging by his email sig, if not by the appearance of his byline, he remains a contributing editor. Instead, they put Stern on their cover today.

On the same day there's a big feature in the new Newsweek.

And the day after he's on 60 Minutes.

And the same day — hate to say it — some Media Guy dude writes about him in Ad Age.

Effective Immediately, Media Guy Kills Overkill [AdAge]
Howard Stern in Space [NYM]
True Blue Howard [Newsweek]
Howard Stern Faces New Challenge []