
New 'EW' Publisher Just Loves The Word "Brand"

Choire · 12/03/07 09:20AM

Scott Donaton announced a few weeks ago that he's leaving Ad Age, where he was finally named publisher back in February, for the publisher slot at Entertainment Weekly. In an email sent to pals last week (one that reads very much like a cover letter to a job application!), he enthuses about "how much passion" he carried for the "brand" of Ad Age and how excited he is to move on to a "great brand," particularly because his new job is located at the intersection of all things he holds dear, including... branding.

Simon Dumenco Wants to Bang Us

Leitch · 03/06/06 12:10PM

We always suspected notoriously cranky mediaphile Simon Dumenco is undersexed. It's the only way to explain his exhaustive analysis of Harper's exhaustive article on flash mobs and New York's exhaustive blogger article — because somehow, through some magical twist of logic, he comes to the conclusion that both stories are "very smart, but rather sexless." And in one of the most generous, unsolicited compliments ever to bestowed upon us, he ends his column with this moneyshot quote: "Reading Gawker makes you more fuckable. And who knows? Maybe Romenesko makes you a better lover. OK, probably not."

Good Products, Good Lovin' Make the Media Guy Happy

Jesse · 02/13/06 01:34PM

Ad Age Media Guy Simon Dumenco is usually pissed off. (In recent weeks, we've called him "angry," "cranky," "sullen," "madder than usual," and having "his Calvins in a twist.") But today's column finds him uncharacteristically chipper. "Some things — even some things in the media world — make me happy," he writes. "Honest! So this week, a brief break from my recent rants, so that I can praise some Simple Media Pleasures." We have no doubt, of course, that there really are Simple Media Pleasures — he cites, Times podcasts, Fly Fishing in Salt Waters magazine, and American Idol contestant Paris Bennett, who he hopes might rescue that now-sullied given name — that truly bring him joy. But we'll also note this: We happen to know that Brooklyn-based Dumenco's usually cohabitative boyfriend has been in Los Angeles lately for an acting gig. And we happen to know that last week Dumenco, too, went to L.A. for a visit.

Message: Don't Fuck With Our Blogs

Jesse · 11/07/05 10:15AM

We pointed you to a looming disaster at on Thursday, an online poll that potentially could have suggested that reading blogs on company time is a bad idea. Clearly it's not, and we needed to make sure no one was misinformed. So we asked for your help, and you — God love ya — delivered: