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We think we're choosing to take this as a compliment. But we're not entirely sure. The press release for an exhibit opening Saturday in Dublin arrived in our inbox today; here's part of it:

Jeanette Doyle's exhibition and then I place my face against the glass features a series of oil paint/digital print composites on canvas called the 'Gawker Stalker' series.... These works reflect Doyle's interest in our flawed identification of ourselves with others and the imagined occupation of social spaces. The artist substitutes/sites herself at the location of sightings of famous people in New York City, as they appear on the stalker section of A 'pap' style photograph is taken at the site which is printed onto canvas and Doyle then overpaints the image of herself to create doubt as to whether she had been there initially and also to highlight the fact that she has insinuated herself into that space.

We were intrigued: Could Doyle be our very own Cindy Sherman? So we went searching for some of these pictures. And we found just one (above; click on it to enlarge), which proved: Um, no.

See, here's the Stalker item she's working with in that piece:

Just saw Patricia Fields at Diesel on Spring Street. She does look whacky, although, I must say, her hair color is a little saner than usual. She was shopping with a tall girl who would be really hot if she didn't have a fat ass. Fields was telling her to buy a green shirt. She was like: "Green is THE color this spring." So I got myself a pair of green shorts and walked out.

Does it look to you like Doyle "insinuated herself into that space"? Does it seem like she's "substitut[ing]/sit[ing] herself" into the Stalker sighting? Does she have the Pat Fields look going on? Is she discoursing on green as THE color? No. It seems to us she just kind of took a tourist pic in front of the Diesel store.

But, hey, whoever sent in that Stalker item? Your work is hanging in a Irish gallery. That's kind of cool, no?

Jeannette Doyle []