This image was lost some time after publication.

As some of you have noticed, Anderson Cooper 360° has, it seems, colonized our website, often occupying every ad space around the perimeter of the page. We couldn't be happier — presumably CNN's paying our bosses nicely for the privilege, and, well, we've long dreamed of being inside Anderson. (Others, meantime, aren't as unequivocally pleased. "What's up with Anderson Cooper all over the fucking place?" Sven wondered in a comment.)

But the big question is: What exactly is the Coop up to in the image on these ads?

The Malcontent is, it seems, running a caption contest for the photo:

Is he sad? Contemplative? Erotically preoccupied? CNN has chosen a strange promotional strategy for everyone's favorite wink-nudge gay anchor. What is Anderson doing?

Yeah, what is Anderson doing? Enter your best guess here.

Blogger and comic Chelsea Peretti, meantime, has a theory of her own. She thinks Cooper is in love with her:

Dear Chelsea...

I miss your face. Did I ever tell you are the person who taught me most of what I know? Even though you're not a journalist, you taught me about journalistic integrity. With your actions you taught me grace and graciousness. And you are hilarious, like everyone said you were...

I miss your laugh...

Jesus, Chels. We had a good thing. I know you felt we had run our course, but I want you to know I miss you and think about you often. You are the inspiration for all that I do...Anderson.

We're so jealous.

Anderson Cooper 360° []