
I Am, Therefore I Shop (At American Eagle)

Andy Cush · 07/18/16 12:04PM

I noticed the window display you see above at the Union Square American Eagle store while walking to work one day last week. It looks a lot like the streetwear brand Supreme, which is to say it looks like the work of the artist Barbara Kruger. A ubiquitous clothing line seducing its customers with the visual language of art, borrowed secondhand from a trendier competitor: this is what Kruger herself might term “a ridiculous clusterfuck,” and it’s exactly the kind of clusterfuck she examines in her work.

Tupac Reveals Beverage Preference

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/16 08:04AM

“Sprite,” the sweet nectar that is sucked from the veins of rappers by advertising industry vampires, has claimed another victim.


Hamilton Nolan · 05/25/16 07:58AM

A low point of the American experiment.

The "Influencer" Economy Is Collapsing Under the Weight of its Own Contradictions

Andy Cush · 05/12/16 09:44AM

There comes a time in the life of every person or youth-oriented organic energy beverage brand when one must reckon with the loss of some previously cherished idea. A young woman realizes that she is no longer in love, or that her religion is now meaningless to her; the organic energy beverage brand that wishes to authentically connect with her as a customer realizes that throwing hundreds of dollars at some dick with a man bun and a few thousand Instagram followers may not be the best way to do it. Friends and beverage brands, that day of reckoning is today. We must throw off the shackles of our relationships and our assumptions and baptize ourselves anew in the fires of whatever bullshit is the next big trend in youth-oriented marketing. We must understand, right here and right now, that “influencers” are not going to save us.

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/16 11:41AM

Atop the New York Times homepage today is a banner ad for the Broadway play “Shuffle Along” that clicks through directly to this week’s New York Times Magazine story about “Shuffle Along.” That’s... very synergistic.

Every Lottery Ad Is a Crime

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/15 12:37PM

Hee hee, ha ha, the New York state lottery has a new series of television ads coming out that pokes fun at the idle rich. Oh ho! Lottery advertising executives should be locked in jail for fraud.

Christ. It's Tim--The "Pneumococcal Pneumonia" Guy

Hamilton Nolan · 10/26/15 04:50PM

Don’t you hate it when you’re out with your wife for lunch and you walk up by the dessert counter and then who do you see? Tim—the guy who can’t shut up about pneumococcal pneumonia.

The New York Times Brand Studio Cares Most About Gay Rights (On Twitter)

Sam Biddle · 07/08/15 09:40AM

Moments after the Supreme Court guaranteed everyone in the country the right to marry the person of their choosing this past Friday, gay America’s greatest allies sprung into action, loudly broadcasting their support for the decision. Without a thought to detractors, without a worry about the shrinking minority of people who oppose same-sex marriage, brands everywhere stood up and took a brave stand by changing their Twitter avatars to include rainbows.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/02/15 02:30PM

Three Hidden Reasons Why Brands Struggle with Authenticity.” All three reasons are “Brands are illusory constructs built upon a foundation of cynicism for whom the concept of ‘authenticity’ is wholly nonsensical,” but it doesn’t say that in Ad Age for some reason.