David Hauslaib Abandons His Jossip Hobby

In nerdy blog news, David Hauslaib, the well-coiffed young thing behind gossip blog Jossip and gay spin-off Queerty, is stepping down after two years of nursing Jossip to maturity. He'll stick around in a management capacity (how very Denton!), but no more daily blogging. His replacement, Corynne Steindler, comes from the sketchy, non-descript environs of Star and Lloyd Grove's desk at the Daily News, though we've no idea what, specifically, any of that means. Not that it matters — as we've found, professional qualifications tend to hinder one's blogging ability.
What does matter, however, is what Hauslaib is up to now. As far as we understood it, editing Jossip was his main job, with extra income obtained by some occasional paper-shuffling around Radar. But now it seems Hauslaib has a new career plan, one far more lucrative: being Daily News gossip Ben Widdicombe's full-time ass-candy. It's the trajectory of champions.