Earlier, we asked the masses:

Which New York rock darlings are becoming notorious for their drug consumption? The band regularly utilizes the house drug dealer at a downtown hipster den, where one of the members often indulges his habit of seducing underage babes.

You said: For bands, it was primarily Interpol and the Strokes (as one of you noted, not even Page Six could feasibly consider the Bravery "rock darlings"). And, really, it could be any member of these bands, but Interpol's Paul Banks and Carlos D. were the most popular guesses.

As for the "hipster den" in question, considering Interpol's social connections to the owners of the Dark Room, the venue and its new brother, Fat Baby, were likely guesses. Older, wiser hipsters ventured that the bad boys were scoring their stash at Lit. Others suggested that the in-house dealers at Misshapes and Movida were providing, but seeing a visible indie rockster buy an eight-ball at either venue strikes us as a bit too high-profile.

So, as you probably already suspected, it's a Stroke or an Interpol in some random bar below 14th. Surely we'll know more once one of you makes a citizen's arrest.

Earlier: Blind Item Guessing Game: Pick a Band, Any Band