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New father and househusband Ben Affleck always seems to have a number of quiet side-projects cooking: uncompensated celebrity Starbucks endorser, unauthorized likeness model, and according to a reader spending some time outside the country, South American fragrance-advocate:

So we are on vacation in Argentina at the moment and happened to catch a very sexy TV ad starring Ben Affleck. It is for cheesy men's cologne line Axe. In the ad, Ben is walking around logging all the women he sees on a little clicker (like the kind Hollywood doormen use). At the end of the spot, he gets into an elevator with a young, skinny, dorky dude in a delivery shirt and shows him the clicker registering 107 ladies (the ad doesn't show him actually DOING the ladies, thank God, but does Jennifer Garner know?). To Ben´s amazement and lascivious approval, the delivery guy also has a clicker reading 700-ish. Cut to the delivery guy in his apartment applying Axe. Thought you might like to know about this since we have been deprived of it in the US, at least as far as I know.

Affleck's smart to maintain a creative outlet like this, just in case this whole stay-at-home dad gig proves to be insufficiently fulfilling and he starts to get the acting itch again.