
The Best Worst Batman Fanfic Features Donald Trump and an ATV “Batmobile”

Ashley Feinberg · 06/01/16 12:20PM

When the faceless editors of Wikipedia decide an article is not fit for public consumption, it’s gone, only accessible to the site’s top editors—at least, it was. But now we’re keeping track of all the articles Wikipedia doesn’t see fit to print, to present you with very best of the site’s weirdest and worst. (Plus: The best amateur Batman YouTube series ever, this week only.) Please, “enjoy.”

Ben Affleck Knew Hillary Clinton's Secret Email Address

Sam Biddle · 10/30/15 04:18PM

While Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, many of her own governmental colleagues were unaware that she used an off-the-books email server with a secret address. But Ben Affleck apparently knew.

This Is the Interview About His Ancestor Ben Affleck Tried to Suppress

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/22/15 10:45PM

Ben Affleck really didn’t want people to know that one of his distant ancestors owned slaves—going so far as to lobby celebrity genealogy TV show Finding Your Roots to suppress the segment in which that ancestor is discussed. But we got our hands on a copy of the script—and now you can read the mild interview that terrified the actor.

Batman (1989) on Batman (2016): "I'm Batman"

Hudson Hongo · 12/14/14 04:00PM

Whether we're sharing a pack of gum or just slashing our boss's tires, aren't we all, in some small way, Batman? Perhaps, but in a different, vastly more significant way, Michael Keaton is Batman and the rest of us are just waiting to be rescued.

Here's Ben Affleck's Dick

Rich Juzwiak · 12/11/14 05:06PM

A high-quality rip of Gone Girl has found its way to the internet. Do you know what that means? Ben Affleck's dick has leaked.

Jennifer Garner's Ex-Husband Bestowed Upon Child a Great Polish Name

Leah Finnegan · 11/20/14 02:03PM

The Baby Name Critic isn't one to ogle the male specie. She prefers to keep them at more than arm's length. Why, you ask? Because they can physically impregnate you at any minute! And even though the Baby Name Critic loves to critique baby names, she prefers not to be around babies. Also, men are awful (© official slogan of the Baby Name Critic franchise, est. 2014).

Ben Affleck Clashes With Bill Maher Over Islam, Calls Him Racist

Kelly Conaboy · 10/04/14 01:54PM

Ben Affleck appeared on Real Time With Bill Maher last night, along with Nicholas Kristof, Michael Steele, and author Sam Harris, where he clashed with both Harris and Maher about what Harris calls the "meme of Islamophobia."

Confirmed: Ben Affleck's Batsuit Doesn't Have Nipples

Jay Hathaway · 05/13/14 12:03PM

Man of Steel director Zack Snyder just tweeted out the first official photo of Ben Affleck as Batman, along with a peek at one of the Dark Knight's new vehicles. Say what you will about the casting decision, but Affleck does at least look the square-jawed part.