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We recently posted a reader's blow-by-blow plot analysis of an Argentinian men's fragrance ad starring Ben Affleck, locally oversaturated movie star and director of Violet-burping, hitting the streets of Buenos Aires with a babe-tallying clicker. Today, a helpful reader points us to the ad itself, which is available for online viewing (simply click on the TV icon to "mira el comercial.")

Turns out Affleck's offshore shilling campaign isn't relegated to the Americas. Another reader living in France (yes, we have readers in France, though they are a bit lackadaisical when it comes to sharing Gerard Depardieu sightings) sent in a description of yet another Affleck TV spot, this one for soy milk:

I live in France and Ben Affleck does an ad here for Alpro soy milk. He is sitting at the counter of an American style diner and some French chick is sitting next to him, freaking out (because she can't believe her luck/bad luck?). He ends up drinking her soy milk, if my memory serves me correctly.

No one can tell a story of doomed, young love like the French, and this artful Godardian homage is no exception. Perhaps there is more than just a 7-figure Euro paycheck at play here, but rather Affleck's cunning attempt at repositioning himself as the poster boy for the New New Wave.