Remembering Braunstein: The Thrill of the Misguided Chase

Now that sexual assault suspect Peter Braunstein is in custody, the real fun begins: reflecting on the past two months' search and angrily pointing fingers at every misstep along the way. Hurrah!
As we shuffled through the sick nostalgia, we immediately thought of the Cobble Hill incident on November 17, when the owner of the Bococa Caf claimed that Braunstein came into his shop and quickly bought a cup of coffee. The sighting triggered at least a week of focus around the area, and the cutesy neighborhood was subsequently ruined with Braunstein's unattractive "wanted" posters.
According to a helpful Daily News timeline, however, Braunstein hadn't been anywhere near New York since November 2. Which means that wonderfully boho owner of the Bococa Caf was also wonderfully mistaken, despite his confident, front-page assertions otherwise.
Fucking hipsters, always talking out of their asses.
'I'm Man World Is Looking For [NYDN]
Earlier: Peter Braunstein in Cobble Hill?
This Is Why They Haven't Caught Peter Braunstein