Defamer Employment: Writer Seeks Muse

With seemingly every company in town lopping of a portion of its workforce just in time for the holidays, many of the suddenly unemployed will need to keep an open mind when considering new opportunities within the entertainment business. As always, the anonymous potential employers of Craigslist offer a creative, short-term solution to one's cash-flow problems:
Professional screenwriter needs a muse. I'm against a deadline by Jan 4th on a bio pic I am writing. I have a friend who tried this and it worked. I thought he was nuts until he sold the script. My motavation sapped... brain fried. I need a jolt. You need xmas cash. Be smart, funny, sexy, discreet, open minded, sensual, a spark plug personalty, soothing when needed, good with story, ideas, thoughts, participate in the process. A few hours a day for the next week working at my production office. If you are in the biz or wanting to break in then of course I will help, but if it's just for cash and some adventure, that's cool too. SEND PIC for reply and why you are the girl.I'm 42, 6ft, easy on the eyes, drk brn hair, blue eyes, fit and SANE. So please you be too. This should be fun for both. Mutual respect a must. CASH.
Sanity is important for this off-the-books gig, but only so long as it doesn't interfere with an applicant's inability to discern the boundaries between "inspiration" and "prostitution."