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Our airsick bag-collecting brother at Gridskipper points us to a NY Observer story on the big acquisition of a 2000-acre plot of land in the Dominican Republic, financed by what could be the least masculine troupe of investors in history. The thin-wristed crew includes Newsweek International editor Fareed Zakaria, DJ-ing white vegan stain Moby, mimbo socialite Alex Von Furstenberg and bird-chested money manager Boykin Curry.

The gang hopes to turn the land into a "utopian community" for the repulsively rich called Playa Grande. Imagine a sweeping, majestic white beach festooned with hemp hammocks, Day-Glo umbrellas and the cast of The Birdcage playing paddle ball. Fire Island is so over.

Fareed Zakaria's Fantasy Island [Gridskipper]
Mr. Zakaria Builds His Own Utopia [NYO]