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Celebrity Clemency-Seeking Month continues with this report of Ethan Hawke sending an impassioned e-mail to acting Gov. Richard J. Codey of New Jersey to commute the sentence of a friend of his family who shot a police officer boyfriend to death in 1986, allegedly in self-defense:

The 35-year-old actor said in an e-mail Tuesday that his mother knows Melvina McClain, who is serving a 30-year-old sentence for shooting Detective Louis Glenn in a bar in 1986, and that she "believes in her entirely."

Hawke's e-mail described McClain as "a woman important to my family."

McClain, who worked as a city parking violations officer, has claimed that Glenn assaulted and threatened her during their relationship. [...]

In the letter, Hawke asked that McClain's sentence be commuted "so she can live the last years of her life helping her children, her grandchildren and many others learn from her example of redemption."

No response yet from Codey, but once he takes a close look at the compelling body of evidence everything from Hawke's charming, romantic patter of Before Sunrise, to his gripping turn as a rookie cop in over his head in Training Day, we imagine the acting Governor's only choice will be to use his clemency power to right a woman wronged.