Gossip Roundup: Paris Lies, Bear Shits in Woods

• In her deposition in the $10 million slander suit filed against her by Zeta Graff, Paris Hilton admits to lying when planting a story claiming Graff had attacked Hilton in a London nightclub. Hopefully, this sort of revelation will lead to her impeachment from the celebutwat circuit. [Page Six]
• Having lost just enough weight to squeeze into her bad idea jeans, Britney Spears looks to have a marriage-saving child with K-Fed. [Scoop]
• Last week, Sean Lennon begged Page Six to hook him up with a date. But sobering up is never fun, and this week he doesn't really care to contact anyone who emailed to offer themselves. [Page Six]
• Supermodel Kate Moss is spotted frolicking about with a new beau, the unimonikered Jamie — who happens to be 11 years her junior. This would be the the fucktoy period of her post-scandal comeback tour. [IOL]
• Tom Brokaw and Harrison Ford are cranky, old. [R&M]