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Bad news for the herbal infusion-addicted denizens of the Lower East Side: This morning electronica sell-out Moby announced to his troops that today would be the last day of operations at his Teany tea house. We're not quite sure what the reasoning is behind closing up shop; it's not as if we ever saw the joint looking particularly empty. Perhaps Moby was just tired of the imminent threat of violence on Rivington Street.

While nothing can cover the emotional cost of $6 wheat-free carob cookies gone to waste, Gothamist reports that the staff was given one week's compensation pay — which should be just enough for them to invest in some new tattoos and pixie haircuts.

Update: Moby blogs a correction himself: Teany is just shutting down for a few weeks for remodeling, and so your stupid Vegan roommate will live another day.

BREAKING: Ta Ta To Teany— Totally True! [Gothamist]