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One of the more intriguing ads we've seen recently on Craigslist was sent to us today:

I am a 24-year-old writer, starving in the approved manner, and seek a wealthy and benevolent patron to fund me whilst I complete a novel, sure to be highly ambitious and uncommercial. Said patron may hold salons at his or her discretion. In return, I can guarantee my picturesque presence whenever required, provide witty or inscrutably artistic banter (as the situation suggests) and, artistic temperament permitting, give readings and recitations, occasionally in the style of Edna St. Vincent Millay. References, naturally, upon request.

Aw, poor little guy's so naive and hopeful and earnest. We can only hope some kindly older gentleman will take him underwing and give him the guidance he needs. Like explaining that, fuck the witty and artistic banter, he really needs to be offering sex.

Kids these days.

Picturesque Young Author Seeks Patron [Craigslist]