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Today's Daily News warmly — even sycophantically — welcomes the latest top executive Mort Zuckerman has lured to the paper, Marc Kramer. He joins as as CEO to replace recently defected COO Les Goodstein, who, apparently lacking any sort of meaningful non-compete in his contract, skedaddled to the Post and News Corp just last week. Kramer was at the News previously, as a labor lawyer in the '90s, before he decamped to The New York Times, from which he now returns.

We can't wait to see how long it takes Mort to grow tired of his new executive and fire him — does he do that to biz people, too, or just editors? — or, at the very least, alienate him until he, too, goes running into Murdoch's oddly welcoming arms.

Also: Good thing Bloomberg's pithy "Stronger Than Ever" inaugural quote ran on the front page of Monday's paper. Yesterday's ultimate "Shock" wood would have made for a very different — if equally stirring — publicity shot.

Kramer Takes Top Job at News [NYDN]