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Maureen Dowd, yesterday (bold ours):

Think about it: all those congressmen don't really need to do their jobs anymore. With the president able to make war more or less as he chooses, treat the enemy as he sees fit and snoop on Americans at will, our representatives have more time for the duty many are clearly best suited to: playing golf gratis in Scotland. (Remember how the White House press used to give poor Bill Clinton such a hard time about mere mulligans?)

Oh, dear Nexis, what sort of person would ever have done such a thing?

Maureen Dowd, April 13, 2003: "It's hard for me to get too worked up about whether women can join Augusta because I developed such an aversion to golf during the hundreds of hours I spent covering Bill Clinton playing mulligan golf, the Bushes playing aerobic golf and Dan Quayle playing daily golf."

Maureen Dowd, January 28, 2001: "The Clintons always want one more pass, one more Mulligan."

Maureen Dowd, October 20, 1999: "When you mess up your presidency, you don't get a mulligan. So now, at his 18th hole, Bill Clinton must plot how to spend the future polishing the past."

It's Not Personal, Jack, It's Strictly Business