Sony Leak: How Your New York Times Fluff-Piece Sausage Gets Made
Sam Biddle · 12/12/14 12:35PMNew York Times Columnist Maureen Dowd Is Very Bad at Getting High
Gabrielle Bluestone · 06/03/14 10:20PMAdam Weinstein · 05/21/14 12:33PM
Hamilton Nolan · 03/05/14 09:28AM
Hamilton Nolan · 02/13/13 01:58PM
Maureen Dowd May Or May Not Be Anti-Semitic, Depending on Whom You Ask
Taylor Berman · 09/16/12 08:28PM
Maureen Dowd's column in today's New York Times created a mini-shit storm today, with several political pundits accusing her of using anti-Semitic imagery to make one of her typical points, which is that Romney is bad, etc. Basically, Dowd said Dan Senor, one of Romney's advisors, was a "neocon puppet master" who was trying to help neocons "slither back" into power. According to several "experts on American-Israeli relations," this sort of language is similar to ancient anti-Semitic imagery, like when Matt Taibbi called Goldman Sachs a vampire squid.
The New York Times Has Not Solved Its Columnist Problem
Hamilton Nolan · 10/03/11 12:41PMMaureen Dowd Mad That Bob Dylan Didn't Overthrow Chinese Government
Max Read · 04/10/11 01:01PMWhy Maureen Dowd Is Not a Good Columnist
Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/11 10:28AM
Earlier this month, former Senator Chris Dodd became the new CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America, making him, in essence, Hollywood's chief lobbyist. This was notable, since Dodd—a onetime favorite of populists—had repeatedly promised not to become a lobbyist when he left the Senate. Glenn Greenwald reflected on the depressing statement that Dodd's hypocrisy made about the entire American political system:
Maureen Dowd Discovers Mean Internet Commenters
Adrian Chen · 02/20/11 11:48AMWashington Starts Pretending It Liked Elizabeth Edwards
Max Read · 12/07/10 11:02PMMaureen Dowd Saves World in Sexy Lingerie in Comic Book
Maureen O'Connor · 11/30/10 04:36PMWas Obama Angry Enough on Larry King?
Adrian Chen · 06/03/10 09:14PMEvery Washington pundit-type wants Obama to be more emotional about this damn oil spill. Most people want him to be angrier. Obama has told them he is "angry and frustrated," already. But they do not want him just to be angry. They need him to express that anger. CBS White House correspondent Chip Reid, when told by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs that Obama is mad, asked "Can you describe it? Does he yell and scream? What does he do?" Yeah, like, does he chase Rahm Emanuel around the West Wing with a decorative samurai sword? What does he do?
Marty Peretz Is Unhappy With Maureen Dowd's Column About Israel
Pareene · 03/18/10 04:08PMHarold Ford Compares Self to Bobby Kennedy, is Beset by Ghosts
Pareene · 02/08/10 01:22PMHappy Birthday
cityfile · 01/14/10 06:45AM
It hasn't been the easiest year for Vikram Pandit, but the Citigroup CEO has at least one reason to smile today: It's his 53rd birthday. Cranky 60 Minutes commentator Andy Rooney turns 91 today. Fox News anchor Shepard Smith is 46. Maureen Dowd of the New York Times is turning 58. Director Steven Soderbergh turns 47. Jason Bateman is 41. Dave Grohl is turning 41. LL Cool J is 42. Model Angela Lindvall is celebrating her 31st birthday. And Faye Dunaway turns 69 today.