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Today's SAG award nominations offer yet another suggestive nudge to any waffling Academy members who still aren't sure if they should check off the "gay cowboy movie in all categories" box at the top of their Oscar ballots. Brokeback Mountain, a heartbreaking story of doomed cowboy love, or, alternately, a hilarious comedy about the lengths women will go to to delude themselves into thinking they aren't married to a gay guy, took four nominations, including best actor for Heath Ledger and best cast.

While the Oscar that will most certainly come Brokeback's way has already been reenvisioned as a double statue representing the expert give-and-take between its lead actors, any SAG trophies bestowed upon it will require considerably less tinkering with its generously endowed front and rear detailing, not to mention the way it holds aloft its comedy and drama masks with particular flounce and flair, no other statuette quite says "gay award" like the SAG trophy.