Breaking: Wonkette Wrote a Book, According to the 'Times'

In case you missed the Janet Maslin review last Tuesday, or the David Carr profile Thursday, or the op-ed that also ran Thursday, the Times considerately ran yet another review of erstwhile Wonkette Ana Marie Cox's new novel, Dog Days, in the Book Review yesterday. (And people thought "flooding the zone" went the way of Howell Raines.)
We've avoided thus far commenting on the recent Coxapalooza because, while the orgy of overexposure is something we'd typically mock, we wish Ana only the best (and wholeheartedly endorse the idea of ridiculously expansive media coverage of freshman literary efforts by Gawker Media editors). But a sentence at the end of yesterday's Book Review review — by political humorist Chris Buckley, who loved the book — left us somewhat dumbfounded:
I don't spend much time in the old blogosphere myself, and to be honest hadn't clicked onto Wonkette until now.
We can't decide: Doesn't this make him among the worst-qualified writers possible to review Ana's work? Or does it, perhaps, make him the best?
We're leaning toward the former.