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We try to ignore Lisa and Brittny Gastineau, stars of E! Gastineau Girls — we're already obsessed with too many rich-for-no-reason, famous-for-no-reason types and haven't the room on our roster for another pair of mindless balloon-girls. Nevertheless, two interesting tips sauntered their way into our mailbox over the weekend, and we're compelled to share them as COMPLETELY UNSUBSTANTIATED but TOTALLY INTERESTING information:

I just saw Lisa Gastineau at the lesbian Cubby Hole tonight.

Eeeew! I saw Gastineau mom [Lisa] at the Cubby Hole on Friday night, kissing one girl and later getting felt up by another. Hell hath frozen over.

Will Lisa stop at frottage or finally chow box? Find out in an all-new episode this Tuesday at 10 PM!

Gastineau Girls [E! Online]