Arnold Schwarzenegger And Son Use No Stunt Doubles

Just days after Arnold Schwarzenegger's State of the State address (for those who missed it: California is doing great and it's all because of him!), the Governor had a motorcycle accident with his 12-year-old son in the sidecar:
Schwarzenegger was riding his motorcycle Sunday with his 12-year-old son, Patrick, in the sidecar, when a car backed out of a driveway in the Brentwood section, Thompson said.
"The governor was unable to avoid the vehicle in his path and collided with it at a low speed," she said in a statement.Schwarzenegger and his son, who were wearing helmets, were treated for cuts and bruises at St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica and released, Thompson said.
We suppose we could have seen this coming: You don't elect a former action star, obsessed with their own decades-old big screen glory, to office and expect them NOT to tumble into spectacularly staged stunt sequences, only to bounce up from the wreckage, dust themselves off, and carry on with the task at hand. It's just the forced involvement of his 12-year-old son that has us concerned, not to mention the creepy way he "accidentally" refers to the kid as "Young John Connor."