Whitney Houston: "I Will Always Love Blow"

With a celebrity's best interests always being the guiding light behind anything they ever publish, a concerned National Enquirer has released photos of a cracked out Whitney Houston making a 4 a.m. candy bar run at an Atlanta gas station. According to The Inside Track, the Enquirer reports that Whitney's "voice is shot from years of cocaine abuse," and that she and husband Bobby Brown are "running out of money." Good for all of us, then, that their Bravo series Being Bobby Brown, that loony bin of reality pleasures that introduced "dig a dootie bubble" and "hell to the no!" to the popular lexicon, is reportedly back for another season. The downward spiral of BBB Season 2 will be just what we needed to fill the suicidally-self-destructive- celebrity-voyeurism-as-entertainment hole that's popped up in our TV viewing schedule since Breaking Bonaduce went off the air.