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Since Melissa Lafsky "came out" as the woman behind popular lawyer-life blog Opinionistas, we've had a few of her former classmates from Dartmouth contact us. It seems that during their undergraduate days, the big rumor on campus was that Lafsky's step-brother was Jared Leto. Being huge fans of 30 Seconds to Mars, we contacted Lafsky for clarification. With a requisite eye-roll, she writes:

My stepfather is Carl Leto. Before marrying my mother, he married a divorcee who had 2 sons, Jared & Shannon. He adopted the two boys, then divorced their mom. Jared Leto remains his adopted son, but they are totally estranged, like most of the people in my family. I have spoken to Jared maybe once in my life, before he was famous. We have no relationship, and I certainly don't want one - he's never been anything but nasty to my mother and sister. His brother Shannon is a nicer guy.

So there you go. This whole anonyblog-reveal certainly is more fun when Jordan Catalano is involved.

Related: The Biggest Douche [Lindsayism]
Earlier: Melissa Lafsky, Opinionista Extraordinaire
Opinionista Melissa Lafsky Gets Her Pink Paper Moment