Yalies Only Love Daddy Brill for His Money
Poor Steve Brill. He works and he works and he works, so he can make money and keep a roof overhead and food on the table. And, sure, the Yale kids are happy to take his money — and to be nice when they want the keys to the car, or permission to stay out past curfew. But do they really care about him? Look up to him? Listen to what he has to say? Of course not.
Here's the Yale Daily News editorial board, those rebels with a cause:
[W]e reject Brill's pessimistic contention that Yale currently offers too little to sway talented potential journalists.
In the News and in the New York Times, Brill argued that intelligent students consider journalism a career path inferior to that of more lucrative, heavily recruited fields such as investment banking. We contend that the storied legacies of News alumni — from Time co-founders Henry Luce '20 and Briton Hadden '20 to the dozens of Newsies currently writing and editing for the Times, the Washington Post, the New Yorker and a bevy of other prestigious publications — suggest otherwise. Bob Woodward '65 never wrote for us, but he's done all right for himself, too.
Also, you just don't understand us, and that's music, Steve, not just noise. Jesus.
Entirely unrelated: Young Sam Brill will, we're told, be heading to New Haven in September.