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Is there no limit to the perilous lengths daytime dramas will go to outdo one another? Not to be trumped by the Passions flood sequence that nearly destroyed their entire set, All My Children decided to up the carnage with a "Mardi Gras explosion" that put four stuntmen in the hospital:

Four stunt artists were hurt in a special-effects accident on the set of the soap opera "All My Children," the ABC show said Friday.

The daytime show had publicized upcoming Mardi Gras episodes that included "an explosion that rocks Pine Valley and its residents."

We pray this new trend of soap disaster sequence one-upmanship ends here, before General Hospital decides to ship their actors out to sea, coat them in chum, and forcefully throw them in the water for their very special, "Port Charles shark infestation: Who lives, who dies?" sweeps week plot.