A front-page Times headline today:

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Other Times headlindes:

• Jan. 23, 2006: "In a Stronghold, Fatah Fights To Beat Back a Rising Hamas"

• Jan. 13, 2006: "Anger in the West Bank Helps Hamas Win Hearts"

• Dec. 17, 2005: "Hamas Surges In West Bank; Blow to Fatah"

• Oct. 1, 2005: "Israel Kills 2 In Arrest Raid; Hamas Gains In Elections"

• Aug. 21, 2005: "Hamas Pushing For Lead Role In a New Gaza"

• July 4, 2005: "Palestinian Leader Invites Hamas to Join 'Unity Government'"

• Dec. 25, 2004: "Hamas Surprisingly Strong in Palestinian Election"

It's amazing the things you can learn if you read the newspaper.

Rice Admits U.S. Underestimated Hamas Strength [NYT]