Ryan Phillippe Meets Morgan Freeman

We tried to watch the SAGgies last night, but our increasingly sentient-seeming TiVo talked us out of it by politely suggesting that we might better enjoy a recorded rerun of Project Runway instead. (Oh, that wacky Santino! What will he design next?) Luckily, Would You Blog Me was tuned in, and caught this brief on-stage expression of idol worship following Crash's big win:
While the cast of Crash accepted their award for Best Cast Motion Picture, Ryan Phillippe makes his way over to presenter Morgan Freeman. As soon as Don Cheadle finishes the acceptance speech and the cast is dispersing, you can hear Ryan say to Morgan through the open microphone:
"I've always wanted to meet you...you just met Reese, my wife...I just finished a film with Clint Eastwood, he loved you a lot."
You have to admire the stunning efficiency of Phillippe's ass-kissing. Even tangled in the chaos of an entire ensemble cast accepting its award, he still managed to single out Freeman, and in two, brief sentences, establish that he's married to and has been directed by future and past Oscar-winners, then escape before his hero even knew that his hindquarters were being so publicly pampered.