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Of all things to be accused of on our first day live: a couple of readers have already emailed in to complain that we let Marissa Mayer, Larry Page's ex, off too lightly. Referring to the fawning profiles in the business press of the Google VP, we wrote: "Google's corporate communications department has been putting forward Marissa Mayer as an appealing alternative to the company's overexposed founders." Not quite true, some of you say.

btw, Rumor is that lots of people at google can't stand marissa And that she was doing all that pr HERSELF . They Didn't promote her until after (and because?) she got all that pr. a bunch of presumably more deserving oldtimers had already been promoted earlier.

Then again, pretty women always get more media attention than their male colleagues think they deserve. Even if Marissa Mayer was dragged screaming and kicking into interviews, the neglected males would still think she was a publicity monger.

Editorial: Google's power couple [Valleywag]