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Over 1100 Valleywag readers picked your favorite Google arm-candy, probably within two seconds of seeing them for the first time. It was no contest: You said Larry Page's girlfriend Lucy (93.8%) is hotter than Marissa Mayer's boyfriend Dave (6.2%). How could the little ray of sunshine do any less than dominate the beauty battle?

But the real kicker is a comment by Tyler Willis:

Let's face facts

Lucy's going straight to the top. Mishmashed "I'm really smart and dorky, but we both know I'm still cute" smile just says it all.

Quite frankly I don't think anyone with her looks and apparent brains can be good. I'm pretty sure she is simply a manifestation of pure evil... she's actually the reason Google has been acting up lately.

Dave, meanwhile, was unkindly compared to cartoonist Scott Adams.

It's almost worth burying this post so poor David Jeske never has to witness his defeat. But the original photos have been removed from Smugmug, leaving the Dave vs. Lucy contest as the only record of the Google power couple's later love life.

Well, until someone sends in more photos.