Happy Birthday to Gothamist

We'd like to take a moment to wish the happiest of third birthdays to our delightfully unjaded crosstown friends at Gothamist. The actual anniversary isn't till next week, the Gisters report, but last night's Moveable Hype concert apparently served as a celebration. We congratulate them on their longevity, but mostly we envy them their readers, who, apparently, take it upon themselves to whip up Gothamist-themed birthday cakes. (No one ever makes us baked goods. Sigh.) And while we could not have designed a more perfect Gothamist cake than one featuring both Jerry Orbach and a panda — well, OK, we might have put some weather in the background, too — we also admit we're a little confused: We don't quite understand why Jerry would be going undercover in a panda suit, and we don't quite understand why Jerry looks so much like a vampire. But, then, we're always OK with not quite understanding Gothamist, and we're pretty sure they're OK with it, too. Have a happy, if mildly confusing, birthday, guys.