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Maybe Tom Ford did know what he was doing with Vanity Fair, just not with the cover. A gay man pretending to enjoy taking a bite out of a big ol' fake titty is about as Hollywood as it gets.
· Knowing that his Fat Clooney ploy might not finally land him an Oscar, George Clooney's working on some equally handsome-dampening looks for his next project.
· Headline of the day: Bening convincing as zonked-out killer.
· Even the Freakonomics guys are annoyed by Jessica Simpson: "On a separate note, another passenger on this same flight was Jessica Simpson. Without going into too much detail, I will say this: if you are a fan of hers who complains that the media unfairly portrays her as more obnoxious than she really is, you need to come up with a new line of defense."
· Finally, the Butterscotch Stallion returns to the tabloids.